Chapter 40: Camera
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 40: Camera

“Doctor.” Fatty scratched his chubby cheeks and said awkwardly, “Do you mean the girl in the pyjama has the same goal as Chen Xiaomeng?”

Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes at him. Indeed. The two were rather similar. They both used the rules within the game to target their teammates. In the last mission, Chen Xiaomeng killed Man Li. If not for Jiang Cheng’s caution, he would have died too.

Thinking about it, Sister Nuan’s death probably had something to do with that girl too.

This time, the girl in the pyjama set a death trap for the woman who shared the same room with her. This had happened twice already. This was more than a coincidence. The girl in the pyjama was similar to Chen Xiaomeng in the sense that they had an ulterior motive.

Considering the woman’s body had been searched, Jiang Cheng’s first guess was they were looking for something. Fatty came to the same conclusion. This thing must be very important for them to take such big risks. It was most likely related to the nightmare realm.

“Could it be something that could help us escape the nightmare?” Fatty guessed, “This thing would be given randomly to one of us when the mission started. If the owner manages to survive until the end, they can leave without any danger. This mechanic is very common in games.”

Jiang Cheng thought about it and then nodded. “It’s possible but not accurate. If this thing can increase one’s survival rate, then it’s more likely.” They had no way to verify this, so they didn’t dwell on it. They proceeded to the Prop Room. With Jiang Cheng leading the way, they soon arrived at their destination, which was on the other side of the school. It was a squat building with the sign of the Prop Management Centre hanging in the middle. It had a design from decades ago. The windows were fitted with rusted grille. The iron gate was so aged that the edges had curled up. Thankfully, the gate was not rusted because it had a thin aluminium coating.

Time appeared to have stopped there. Fatty blinked and commented that when he was young, his grandm

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