Chapter 42: Names
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 42: Names

The suited man’s face was dark, but he still suppressed his anger. “How do you want me to prove that?”

The woman answered, “That is a problem you need to solve.”

They agreed to meet at the Prop Building. The woman NPC stressed this place, so this place must be important. Therefore, it would be extremely dangerous as well. The suited man and the man in the cap didn’t want to take this risk, so they chose to show up after everyone else. Even Zhou Taifu could see that. The way everyone looked at the suited man and his friend chilled.

“I have an idea.” Jiang Cheng jumped out from behind the woman with the ponytail. “We all know that ghosts are inexplicable presence in the missions. They are scary, creepy and hungry for blood… They are amalgamations of everything that is negative.” As he said that, he sidled closer to the suited man and his friend. This angered the man in the cap a lot. “What is your point?” He couldn’t help but ask.

Jiang Cheng licked his lips. “I mean… The biggest difference between humans and ghosts is that the latter has no emotions. They can’t control themselves. In contrast, humans can control their actions and emotions at any time.” He raised his head to look at the suited man with admiration, “I believe the real Guardian Angel will be able to do that.”

The sudden compliment made the suited man cautious of Jiang Cheng’s intention. He frowned as he looked at Jiang Cheng, “So…”

Before he could finish, Jiang Cheng raised his right hand. He didn’t have the time to react, and he felt a burning sensation on his left cheek. He couldn’t believe what had happened. He was just slapped…

Jiang Cheng dared to slap him!

But, soon, he realised how wrong he was.

Jiang Cheng dared to slap him more than once! His right cheek burned to pair with his left cheek. His two cheeks swelled at a visible speed.

He touched his handsome face with his trembling fingers. He pounced at Jiang Cheng like crazy. He roared, “I’m going to kill you!”

Jiang Cheng immediately turned and ran. Fatty shouted at the others, who

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