Chapter 26: Rooms
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 26: Rooms

Everyone was shocked by this sudden change. Fatty slithered back and pulled Jiang Cheng with him. The girl in the pyjama tripped and almost fell.

The suited man casually pulled the young man back and walked to the woman. The smile on his face was warm and friendly, “We were just asking. After all, the equipment is very fragile. We just want to make sure nothing gets damaged during the transportation process so that everything will proceed finely during the event.” It had to be said that the man looked handsome and had a gift of the gab. Even the woman seemed infected by him, and her face returned to normal. She said with some embarrassment, “Please don’t misunderstand. What I meant was… It’s already late, and the staff at the Prop Room probably has left work already.”

The suited man nodded with understanding. “Of course. Then, we can look at it when it’s more convenient.”

Jiang Cheng studied the man’s performance with no expression on his face. The suited man maintained a smile on his face as if he didn’t know about the dangers of this world.

“Doctor.” Fatty whispered, “Do you also think that man is not a good person?”

Jiang Cheng glanced at him. “I don’t know about that, but I’m sure he’s not a simple man.”

“So… Do we need to be cautious of him or not?”

Ever since the last mission, Fatty understood that danger came not only from the ghosts but also from your teammates.

To his surprise, Jiang Cheng shrugged. “Just treat him normally. People who stand out at the start of the mission can only be considered as not simple but not scary. The real danger is always hidden, just like a poisonous snake.”

Fatty narrowed his eyes and looked at their company. Suddenly, he felt like no one was trustworthy. He walked closer to the doctor. They were basically stuck together. The school was larger than they thought. It was pretty too. The roads were decorated with lush trees. When they passed by a small garden, the garden was filled with blooms. If they were not in the middle of a mission, it was quite a nice stroll. The

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