Chapter 27: Guadian Angel
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 27: Guadian Angel

“I don’t quite understand,” the suited man said gently. “Is there anything unusual going to happen after dark?” The woman turned around and regarded him with a strange gaze. The man didn’t avoid her gaze. He smiled at her until she moved her eyes away. Then, she turned and left. She didn’t say anything.

The middle-aged man with the tank top wanted to rush after her to ask for more details, but the woman turned around the corner and disappeared like a ghost.

“Where… did she go?” The middle-aged man asked in a trembling voice. He couldn’t understand this world at all.

“If you want to know, you can keep on chasing after her.” The young man in the cap said through the chewing of his gum. He shrugged at the man. “Perhaps she’ll bring you with her.”

The middle-aged man could sense everyone’s dissatisfaction with him, so he stopped talking and stayed with the group.

The deeper they went into the hostel, the clearer the strange feeling. The creepiness surrounded them. It was like there were pairs of red eyes staring at them from the dark. The damp air assaulted them. The smell of mildew was mixed with an unknown substance.

Since the corridor was littered with trash, they had to move things around. The hostel building looked unpresentable. There were black moulds and yellow stains on the walls everywhere. Strange material scabbed on the ground. The place looked deserted.

“Doctor.” Fatty frowned as he moved over. He wanted to say something but was stopped by Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng took a big step forward to move away from Fatty.

The girl with the pyjama stayed in the middle of the group. Her eyes were red as she rubbed her shoulders and whispered, “This place feels… wrong, like something bad has happened here.”

The young man touched his cap and scoffed, “Isn’t that a given? Why else would this place be abandoned otherwise?”

“What could have happened here?” The middle-aged man shivered.

The young man grinned with disdain and then purposely said in a creepy tone, “Maybe someone has died here.” Hearing that, a few

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