Chapter 28: Tricks
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 28: Tricks

The place was very clean and neat. The bed was made, and the table was wiped clean. An unknown flower sat on the only windowsill. The flower was light purple in colour and radiated a melancholic feeling.

Fatty sighed with emotions, “Doctor, are we not like lotuses in this chaotic world? We don’t know where we can take root because we might die in the next second.”

“Perhaps.” Jiang Cheng sighed, “But at least you’ll be by my side.”

Fatty was touched, and his eyes watered, “Doctor, I didn’t expect we’d become so close after only a few days together. Aren’t you touched that I’m here with you during the last moments of our lives?”

Jiang Cheng looked at Fatty’s sincere eyes and said, “Fatty, think about it. If you can survive, do you think the danger will kill me? There’s a high chance I’ll die after you.” Jiang Cheng continued, “Therefore, don’t you worry. If that day comes, I’ll do my best to bring your ashes back to my office and pour you into my flower pots. With your size, the calcium in your body will be higher than normal.”

Fatty, “...We should search the room.”

Jiang Cheng inspected every corner of the room carefully. Other than a very small cupboard that he couldn’t open, the place looked normal. After ensuring that it was safe, Fatty collapsed on the bed. At the same time, his stomach grumbled, “Doctor, I’m so hungry.”

However, it was already dark. Moving in the dark without any clues was stupid and dangerous. Furthermore, the woman who led them there warned them about moving in the dark.

Jiang Cheng pulled out a big chocolate from his pocket. It had a red wrapping. Fatty remembered it from his childhood.

“Where did you get that?” Fatty jumped off the bed instantly, his eyes glowing.

“I got it while I was on the way.” Jiang Cheng snapped off a piece and tossed it over. Fatty snatched it.

Fatty took a small bite and then lifted his head to ask, “On the way to the cafe?” Fatty saw a lot of mini-markets around the cafe. However, he couldn’t figure out how Jiang Cheng bought the chocolate without any mo

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