Chapter 29: Voice
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 29: Voice

“After he got the four keys from the woman, he kept them in his left pocket.” Jiang Cheng said calmly, “Then, he kept his hand in his left pocket ever since. At the same time, he kept talking to distract us.”

Fatty felt rather dumb. He asked in alert, “Did he do something to the keys?”

“I can’t tell for now.” Jiang Cheng answered, “I inspected the key. I saw nothing strange on it.”

Fatty nodded and explained to himself, “Doctor, was that why you sent those people to him to interrupt him?”

“Yes. However, I’m not sure if I succeeded or not.”

Fatty gritted his teeth. “Doctor, this man looks nice on the surface, but he’s actually so cunning. He even assigned us Room 404 as revenge.”

“I’ll take a quick nap.” Jiang Cheng ignored him and turned around, “Wake me up after an hour.”

“Okay.” Fatty took the watch Jiang Cheng tossed over. The watch was too tight for his wrist, so he held it in his palm. Even though he was not that sleepy, to prevent himself from accidentally falling asleep, he sat up and wrapped the blanket around him.

The night was quiet, like the school was dead. Fatty believed there were no students around them, or it wouldn’t be so quiet. Once the one hour was up, Fatty left his bed to shake Jiang Cheng awake.

Jiang Cheng slept so lightly that he was already awake when Fatty moved from his bed. However, he still waited for Fatty to shake him before he opened his eyes blurrily. After he sat up, he worked his neck and shoulders. He was used to the hard pillow at home, so the cotton pillow made him uncomfortable.

“Did anything strange happen?”

“No.” Fatty answered, “Doctor, don’t you worry. I’ll wake you up even if I see a cockroach. You should know how alert I am.”

Jiang Cheng stood up and moved to the door. He didn’t stick too close to it. He listened to the movement in the corridor. Then, he returned to his bed and leaned against the wall to listen to the movement next door.

“Doctor,” Fatty said, “They should be asleep. It’s so quiet around here.”

Jiang Cheng looked at him and said nothing. He

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