Chapter 157: Normal People
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 157: Normal People

A few seconds later, heavy footsteps came from the staircase. They sounded like many pairs of boots. They came upstairs. Jiang Cheng and Chen Xiaomeng were passive. They would be soon trapped by the villagers on the third-floor corridor.

Chen Xiaomeng and Jiang Cheng moved at the same time. They ran towards Room 307 which door was still open. Chen Xiaomeng grabbed the wooden chair beside the table and smashed it against the window. The chair flew out the building and landed with a thud on the ground. Chen Xiaomeng hoped that would grab the pedestrian’s attention.

However, when she looked out the broken window, her heart chilled. The pedestrians continued on like nothing was out of the ordinary. The hawkers kept shouting. Two women carrying grocery baskets walked past the broken wooden chair as if they couldn’t see the chair dumped in the middle of the road.

It was so strange. However, this was the nightmare realm.

Jiang Cheng yanked the blanket, swiped the oil lamp and rushed back into the corridor.

Chen Xiaomeng followed him. After all, they both knew that it would be worse for them to be trapped in the room.

At that moment, a few large men came up the stairs. There were six of them. They had tanned skin. The leading man had a beard and hostility on his face. Jiang Cheng recognised two people behind him. When the village head led the people to put out the fire at the Qian Family Ancestral Hall, these two were part of the group.

However, they looked rather pitiful now. They had ashes on their faces, and their bodies were covered in small scratches. One of the men had a bloody leg. The wound was bound with bandages to stop the bleeding.

They stared at Jiang Cheng with hostility. However, when they looked at Chen Xiaomeng, the hostility disappeared and was replaced by a baser desire. Chen Xiaomeng gripped the hairpin.

“San Yazi!” A voice with suppressed anger came from the stairs. The village head appeared on the top of the stairs, supported by the tanned man who had always been by his side. Jiang Cheng had

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