Chapter 158: Trade
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 158: Trade

“Dong!” The man’s head bled. A fresh blood imprint was left on the wall. Jiang Cheng didn’t plan to stop. Again and again, fresh blood was sprayed on the wall, and it dyed the wall red. It was like a gory painting.

Jiang Cheng let go of the man’s hair. The mess of a human landed on the ground like a pile of wet mud. Half of the man’s head collapsed. White and red substances mixed together and flowed about.

Jiang Cheng wiped his hands on his shirt and turned to look at the villagers. His eyes were calm before the storm. Everyone was stunned by Jiang Cheng and Chen Xiaomeng’s actions. Jiang Cheng’s gaze was so scary that no one dared to come forward. They thought they were cruel and heartless. They murdered anyone who exposed the truth about Little Ravine Village. A lot of victims were buried in the Qian Family Courtyard.

However, at that moment, they realised that they were like kids before this man.

The cruelty was buried in his bones.

“You… how are you?” Chen Xiaomeng whispered to him. She didn’t think Jiang Cheng was injured. She was asking this mainly because she wanted to alleviate her anxiety. The pressure Jiang Cheng that flowed out of him suffocated him.

Jiang Cheng looked at his hands. He rubbed his fingers together. “It’s quite sticky.”

Chen Xiaomeng chilled.

“How much longer do you wish to keep this guy?” He turned to the bearded man curled up on the ground. After witnessing Jiang Cheng’s actions, the bearded man started to play death. He resisted the pain and made no sound. He lay on the ground like a dead pig, but he was still discovered. His heart was about to jump out.

“You… You can’t kill me!” The bearded man shouted. “My father is the village head. If you kill me, my dad will never forgive you!”

Jiang Cheng smiled to reveal his pearly white. “As if I’ll forgive your father.”

Chen Xiaomeng frowned with concern. This man was clearly spiralling. Even though the villagers were surprised by their brutality, they still had the venue and a number’s advantages. If Jiang Cheng actively attacked th

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