Chapter 159: Man
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 159: Man

The man didn’t react to the provocation. His clear eyes looked down on Jiang Cheng. With his height, Jiang Cheng was rarely looked down on by others.

“Open the door.” Chen Xiaomeng also sensed something was wrong. She aimed the hairpin at the bearded man’s temple and threatened, “Quick!”

The villagers subtly moved towards them. There was only a few meters between them.

“Try to take one more step forward.” Jiang Cheng turned to the villagers. Unlike Chen Xiaomeng’s threat, Jiang Cheng’s warning was effective. The villagers instantly froze. All of them gazed at the tanned man. Jiang Cheng lit a candle by borrowing the flame from the candlestand. His meaning was clear.

The tanned man was so tall that his head almost touched the ceiling. His face glistened in the light. However, he didn’t attack the travellers. He walked forward, eased his fingers into the gap and slowly pulled the hidden door open. This alone showed that he was much stronger than Jiang Cheng.

“Back off now!” Chen Xiaomeng shouted. The man looked at her and silently took two steps back. Jiang Cheng pulled over the collapsed bearded man to use him as a shield. He had Chen Xiaomeng enter the room first. Then, he dragged the bearded man towards the hidden door.

The villagers started to move as well. They slowly approached the travellers.

Jiang Cheng found himself in a conundrum. If he wanted to drag the bearded man into the hidden room, then the hidden door needed to be opened wider. However, if he did that, he would need the tanned man’s help again. He couldn’t guarantee what he’d do.

At the same time, the feeling of desperation intensified. That was a sign that the iron door was about to disappear soon. Lee Lu had already returned to the real world. That also explained Yu Man’s ending.

“Close the door quick!” Chen Xiaomeng’s voice came over.

Jiang Cheng stopped hesitating. He tossed the bearded man at the tanned man and slipped through the hidden door. His actions were smooth. However, as he tried to close the door, a shadow charged at him lik

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With the price of a cup of coffee, you can keep a translator's well-being alive. Namely, this one. And gain access to more than fifteen early-access chapters!

Thank you to all my readers and subscribers. Your support literally keeps the story alive!