Chapter 160: Revenge
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 160: Revenge (Teaser)

The tanned man stood before Jiang Cheng, and his actions spoke louder than words.

“We need to hurry,” Chen Xiaomeng urged. The door buzzed louder. The faded mist around the door leaked away. In less than half a minute, the door would be gone.

It was unclear what the tanned man did to the door. No matter how the villagers screamed and rammed into the door, the hidden door didn’t budge.

“There’s a hidden door in there. You can leave using that.” The tanned man pointed at the room corner. A large closet sat there. The closet was similar to the one in the abandoned building at the Qian Family Courtyard.

“You’ll see the door once you open the closet. Follow the passage and you’ll exit through the cake shop on the next street over. The village head only left two people there to stay guard. They can’t stop you,” He spoke quickly.

The mist curled around the iron door beside the hidden door. Light streamed through the gap, but the tanned man didn’t seem to see it. This should be a limitation caused by the nightmare rules. While Jiang Chen