Chapter 156: Hidden Room
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 156: Hidden Room

“Then, Yu Man…” Jiang Cheng paused before saying calmly, “She probably has been detained by the village head. Or she is dead.” It was common for teammates to die in the nightmare, but the culprits were mostly ghosts. NPCs being the culprit was rare. Chen Xiaomeng didn’t want to imagine Yu Man being captured by the villagers. She’d rather that Yu Man had died.

“Stop thinking so much.” Jiang Cheng’s voice drifted over. “If you have the time to think about others, why don’t you focus on yourself? No matter what has happened to Yu Man, that is not something you and I can change anymore.

“If you don’t want to end up like her, snap out of it. Find the clues and leave this place.”

Chen Xiaomeng let her guard down for a moment due to her empathy as a fellow woman. After a short hesitation, the determination returned to her face. “Let’s go.”

Jiang Cheng held the iron blade and was the first to crawl into the hidden door. Chen Xiaomeng followed behind him.

The space was very small. They had to bend over to keep moving. However, this was the reason why Jiang Cheng was not as nervous. He believed Lee Lu wouldn’t pick this place to set up the ambush.

After turning a few times, the path finally sloped upwards. Jiang Cheng counted the number of steps in his heart until they reached the end of the latter. There was a board above his head. The board was attached with a simple iron bar. Based on the number of steps, they should be on the third floor of the inn.

Both of them realised that behind this board would be the hidden room where Qian Jianxiu was. Everything hung in the balance.

Jiang Cheng put his hand on the bar and turned to look at Chen Xiaomeng. Chen Xiaomeng nodded to show that she was ready. After taking a deep breath, Jiang Cheng opened the board and slipped out. He quickly moved to allow the space for Chen Xiaomeng to crawl out. Chen Xiaomeng quickly followed.

Even though the room was dark, Jiang Cheng instantly realised that they were not in the hidden room. Instead, they were in Room 307, one of the rooms a

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