Chapter 155: Friend
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 155: Friend

Chen Xiaomeng’s face darkened. The sharp end of a hairpin slipped out of her left sleeve. Jiang Cheng was silent for a few seconds before he suddenly said, “I was joking to ease the mood.” He raised his head to say officiously, “I’ll go first.”

Chen Xiaomeng put the hairpin back and moved to let him through. Jiang Cheng silently moved through the door. He looked out through the creak. Pressured by Chen Xiaomeng, he slowly opened the door. He waited a little bit before leaving. The whole inn was silent.

They didn’t walk up the stairs but planned to examine the first floor. After all, if they went upstairs and they were ambushed, they would be stranded upstairs. Chen Xiaomeng stayed about two metres away from Jiang Cheng. She had made the decision that if there were really an ambush, she would abandon Jiang Cheng and rush to the third floor to grab Qian Jianxiu. In that case, she only hoped that Jiang Cheng could buy her more time.

They checked the bathroom first. After all, Jiang Cheng spawned there, so the place was special to him. Due to the lighting issue, the place was dark. The low ceiling was covered in cobwebs. Brown stains appeared at the corners. There was also a horrible stench. They opened all the cubicle doors, and they were empty. They shared a look and retreated.

Then, they came to the kitchen door. That was the only location they hadn’t explored on the first floor. If they hadn’t found anything there, there was a high chance the villagers would not have arrived at An Ping Town.

That would be good news, but they didn’t look happy. That would also mean that their friend had succeeded and might have already left the world through the door.

Jiang Cheng took a deep breath and opened the kitchen door. The creak snapped their heartstrings. Chen Xiaomeng glared at Jiang Cheng, blaming him for making such a loud noise. However, Jiang Cheng knew that this was not his issue. He didn’t use much force. Someone had tampered with the door.

Regardless, this had already happened. They slipped into the kitchen.

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