Chapter 154: Scheme
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 154: Scheme

Chen Xiaomeng thought about it and agreed with Jiang Cheng. Images of Lee Lu and Yu Man appeared in her mind.

“Stop wasting time. We’ll find out the truth soon enough,” Jiang Cheng paused. An Ping Inn had entered his view. There were not that many three-story buildings in town. The time flow of this world became more corrupted. The night became incredibly long and the day suspiciously short. They didn’t spend that much time inside the topography centre, but it was already noon when they exited it.

The pedestrians acted strangely, like they were soulless puppets. Even the hawkers by the streets were like the moving dead. One might not be that strange but the whole world was acting like so. Jiang Cheng had experienced this before. It always happened when the mission was about to end.

The two stopped when they were a certain distance from An Ping Inn. The inn gave off a strange vibe. They moved to a spot where they could look at the front of the inn. The inn’s front door was closed, and all the windows were shut. A sign that said that the inn was resting for the day could be seen. Clearly, something was out of sorts.

“The village head might have hurried here.” Chen Xiaomeng observed the surroundings. She turned to Jiang Cheng, “They might be waiting for us inside.”

Jiang Cheng suddenly asked, “Where do you think our friend might be now?”

“Friend?” Chen Xiaomeng instinctively wanted to reject that term, but she couldn’t deny its veracity. “She might have already been captured,” She said directly. Since the culprit, Qian Jianxiu, was hiding here, An Ping Inn was the final destination for all the nightmare realm travelers. The village head would surmise as much.

“Not necessarily,” Jiang Cheng thought about it. “From the fact that she has torn off that page, she might be hunting the surviving players like us.”

Chen Xiaomeng raised her brow, “What is your point?”

“Since you have noticed the issues with An Ping Inn, why wouldn’t she?” Jiang Cheng felt something was wrong the more he studied the inn. Then, he added,

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