Chapter 153: Truth
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 153: Truth

“Yes.” The worker nodded. “It was someone who was sent here by the county police. They requested to see this file too.”

“When did this happen?”

“About an hour ago.” The worker looked at the book and said, “The sun just came up then. I was still sleeping. Someone woke me up by knocking on the door. The person barged in and demanded to see this file. This happened so long ago. I researched for a long time before I found it. I had just put it back when you showed up.” The worker touched his nose awkwardly, “If I had known about this, I wouldn’t have put it back and saved myself the trouble.”

“Who came?” Chen Xiaomeng asked.

The worker blinked with confusion. “It’s someone from the county police with the uniform. They also carried a cloth bag.”

“I mean, what do they look like?” Chen Xiaomeng realised something, and she uncontrollably raised her voice, “Is it a man or a woman?”

“A woman,” The worker replied instantly.

“Woman…” Jiang Cheng and Chen Xiaomeng shared a look. “One or two women?”

The worker couldn’t understand why they would want to know about this but he felt like it was something important so he quickly uttered, “Only one woman entered the centre, but I’m not sure if she had a companion waiting for her outside or not.”

“Do you remember if she has anything special about her appearance?”

“This…” The worker frowned with difficulty, “She wore a cap with a large rim. I was… focused on my research. And the sun just came up… I wasn’t paying attention.” A woman who came to An Ping Town’s local topography centre alone to ask about a kidnapping case at Little Ravine Village twenty years ago… Jiang Cheng’s face darkened. He was instantly reminded of Yu Man and Lee Lu. Even though they came in the police uniform, they could easily be swiped.

Chen Xiaomeng clearly came to the same conclusion. She asked swiftly, “Do you remember which direction she took when she left?”

“I do remember that.” The worker pointed out the door. “She turned right at the door.” Chen Xiaomeng instantly stood up.

“Wait.” Jiang Cheng

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