Chapter 152: Flaw
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 152: Flaw

“Fine.” Chen Xiaomeng smiled, “Give me the address. I’ll register a membership to see if it’s as great as you make it out.”

“Sure.” Jiang Cheng said easily, “Give me your phone number first.” He continued shamelessly. “After all, I’m from the high-class group. Not everyone can meet me. You have to book me in advanced.”

Chen Xiaomeng shrugged and sighed in regret. “Never mind then. I hate trouble.”

The two walked and talked along the way. There were quite a bit of people on the street. However, since they had changed, no one paid them any attention. They turned a few corners and entered a two-story building. The place was rather isolated. A wooden board hung from the pillar beside the front door. The board said Local Topography Centre.

“We’re here.” Chen Xiaomeng raised her head. The door was open. The two stood outside for a while before walking in. The interior was quite spacious but simply decorated. A few long wooden tables greeted them once they entered the door. It was the reading corner. There were large wooden shelves that were as tall as a human. The shelves were stacked with files. A worker appeared to be sleeping on one of the tables. A few traditionally bound books were scattered around him.

Jiang Cheng went to tap his shoulders, “Brother, wake up.”

The man, who looked around twenty, opened his eyes blurrily. It was unclear what drained him so the night before. “You…” As he began, Jiang Cheng interrupted him with a stern look. His voice was even and cold, “Who gave you the right to sleep during working hours?”

The man’s drowsiness disappeared completely. He thought Jiang Cheng was his superior who came to supervise the place. Plus, Jiang Cheng and Chen Xiaomeng looked too sophisticated to be from the town. The man before him was dressed normally, but he exuded an aura that made him superior to others, especially from the curl of his lips. The young worker had encountered officials from the county before. They had the same presence as this man did. It was not easy for him to get this cushy job. He

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