Chapter 135: Hatred
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 135: Hatred

Jiang Cheng slowly turned around to look at Bei Qian. The villagers were stunned before they also turned to look at Bei Qian. Bei Qian, who was confused, widened his eyes.

A few seconds later, Jiang Cheng suddenly shouted, “Congratulations, Elder Bei!”

The villagers paused. Then, as if a switch had been turned on, they all congratulated Bei Qian.

“Master, congratulations!”

“This is very impressive at your age!”


Bei Qian waved his hands to clarify his relationship with Lee Lu. “I’m not. This is…”

Chen Xiaomeng enjoyed this. After all, she didn’t like Bei Qian.

In the end, it was Zhou Rong who ‘kindly’ reminded the villagers that there were still embers around the Qian Family Ancestral Hall. It was then that they left. Just as Bei Qian wanted to demand an explanation from Jiang Cheng, Lee Lu stumbled back. As she sensed everyone’s gaze on her, she was befuddled, “What happened?”

Bei Qian had to swallow his words. The culprit, Jiang Cheng, was insouciant. He shoved his hands into his pockets. He narrowed his eyes and followed the group back. Before they entered the courtyard, they could see through the gaps in the fence that Jiang Zhongyi’s corpse had disappeared.

“It probably disappeared this morning.” Zhou Rong stood beside the yard door and analysed, “We left in such a hurry, and the sky was so dark. No one noticed it.”

“Could his body be sent to a spot around An Ping Town?” Lee Lu asked. Everyone frowned. Even though that was illogical, that should be the case. What obsession Zhao Xiangmei had with An Ping Town was that she would spare no effort to carry the dead bodies to somewhere near An Ping An after each of her kills.

They entered the yard and saw a black pot on the table. It looked old. They removed the lid, and the fragrance of food wafted about. It was a pot of corn porridge. The village head sent it over that morning. The porridge was still hot. However, since it had been out for some time, it was a bit sticky. However, they were not in a position to complain. They sat around the pot, la

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