Chapter 134: The Qian Family
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 134: The Qian Family

Then, she was pushed by a soft force, and she stumbled out of this world. Back then, her brain was blank. When she walked through the door, something awakened within her. She turned back and saw Han Jingnian, who was pierced through the chest by the ghost and strung in the air.

Each mission’s ghost was unique. This ghost would only attack when the preys had their bodies turned. Therefore… of the two of them, only one would be able to reach the door and escape.

The scenery before her shifted and she returned to the camp they had at the foot of the mountain. However, she was alone at the spacious camp. Han Jingnian was dead. Everyone… was dead except her.

Caught in her memory, she wandered about aimlessly. Suddenly, she tripped on something, and it made a sound. She lowered her head and spotted a black brick. The bricks were scattered about her. Some were adhered to their previous structure. There was a wall where she was standing. It collapsed in the fire. Staring at the black brick, a strange feeling rose in Yu Man’s heart. She slowly knelt down and moved the still-warm bricks away. A few wooden plaques were sheltered underneath. She wiped away the ash and saw the gilded words, Qian Jianguo.

“Are these the ceremonial plaques of the Qian Family members?”

Bei Qian darted over. He stared at the thing Yu Man held strangely. Zhou Rong bent over to pick up the other two wooden plaques. They had the names Qian Jianse and Qian Jianxiu. Based on the names, these three should be from the same generation.

Chen Xiaomeng looked around. The fire yesterday night was so strong. It had consumed everything but, somehow, spared the three plaques. This was clearly unreasonable.

“Ah!” The sudden scream interrupted Chen Xiaomeng’s thought. Subconsciously, she lowered her body and reached for her waist. Jiang Cheng’s eyes narrowed. It was Lee Lu who screamed. Her pale fingers pointed at Yu Man, “Miss… Yu… Your hand…”

Blood leaked out between Yu Man’s fingers that held the plaque. She turned it over, and they realised with shock t

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