Chapter 133: Sea of Fire
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 133: Sea of Fire

Actually, the girl didn’t understand it herself. She gave everything she was and she didn’t know how to pull back. But… she didn’t want to be like that. She eventually became the version of herself that she hated the most. She became a drunkard, like her father.

After high school, she got into an okay university. Before she got the chance to get to know her university mates, she started to disappear from classes. Even her roommates spread rumours about her since she often stayed out late at night. She didn’t get angry when she heard the rumours. She merely ‘accidentally’ showed off her expensive luxury items like cosmetics and jewellery, earning everyone’s hatred. She did it because she liked it, not because she hated them.

She thought she would live meaninglessly and die meaninglessly. Until… she met that man. He was her senior who was one year older than her. He was a student counsellor assigned by the university for the new students. He was assigned to her hostel room.

It was a cloudy day. The weather forecast said that it would rain, but it never did. The rolling clouds flew low in the sky like they would drop heavy rain on the earth at any moment. She was outside of university at an internet cafe. Her typing sound echoed in the empty cafe. She was called back by the university counsellor. It was a woman several years older than her. Her words were often harsh, but she was not a bad person. The counsellor would scold and warn her every time she did something bad. Coincidentally, these were the two things she couldn’t care less about.

When she reached her bedroom door, she heard her loudest roommate listing out her sins. They even said that she might be crazy and aggressive. She paused outside the door and didn’t head in.

The girl who shared the top bunk with her spoke up. She sounded like she was defending the girl, but she was hinting heavily that the girl was a prostitute because…

“Have you seen that in person?” The senior’s voice was clean, unlike her roommates. Her roommates were silenced.

“I… I hear

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