Chapter 132: Fire
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 132: Fire

“This…” Lee Lu looked happy. Even though the ghosts rarely killed consecutively, if someone were to accompany her, it was the best. Lee Lu pressed her lips and looked at Chen Xiaomeng with anticipation.

Chen Xiaomeng slowly stood up. Actions speak louder than words.

“Thank you, Miss Dragon Lady.” Lee Lu leaned forward, her eyes glowing.

Chen Xiaomeng said lightly, “Don’t need to thank me. You should thank Mr. Yi.” Then, she turned naturally to Jiang Cheng and smiled, “After all, Mr. Yi is such a gentleman. He wouldn’t let us two girls go on a risk on our own, right? He would, of course, accompany us.” Chen Xiaomeng blinked, “Am I right, Mr. Yi?”

“Of course.” Jiang Cheng puffed up his chest. Then, Jiang Cheng removed the wooden stick that blocked the door. As the door opened, the night breeze surged in, cutting like slashes. They didn’t expect the temperature difference between night and day to be so different. Jiang Cheng covered his face with one hand and used his other hand to hold the door still. He turned to tell Lee Lu and Chen Xiaomeng, “Get moving. Don’t go too far. I’ll help you keep watch.”

“Are you going to stand here? Is that how you’re going to help us?” Chen Xiaomeng raised her voice.

“What else do you expect?” Jiang Cheng said innocently. Then, he took another step into the house.

Lee Lu was about to pee on the spot. She didn’t have time to argue with them. She hugged her clothes and dashed out. Then, Chen Xiaomeng followed her. She glanced at Jiang Cheng before leaving.

The two didn’t go far. They found a spot with bushes. The courtyard had been abandoned for so long that the wild grass had reached a person’s waist. Jiang Cheng strained his eyes to look at where they were. Lee Lu shook several times before kneeling down. Only her head was exposed above the grass. Chen Xiaomeng stood about 3 meters away, between Lee Lu and Jiang Cheng.

She had a plan. If something happened, she’d turn and return to the house. Lee Lu would be the perfect bait because she was injured and was in the middle of re

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