Chapter 131: Illness
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 131: Illness

As usual, there had to be people who stayed up to keep guard at night. Since so many things had happened, they decided to have a pair each shift. One male and one female. That way, each room would have at least two people.

In the nightmare realm, those who were left alone would be targeted more often than nothing. That was their experience.

Jiang Cheng was lucky enough to be paired with Chen Xiaomeng. They sat around the fire. The flames placed Jiang Cheng’s face in alternative lightness and darkness. He narrowed his eyes out of comfort. He stretched his body like a cat.

Chen Xiaomeng studied him with interest. Her eyes were as sharp as a surgical knife. In her mind, she had already dissected the man into pieces. There were many things she thought she had read this man, but reality proved her wrong.

There were not that many people who proved troublesome for her in the nightmare realm. Some of them were extremely agile, and others had professional knowledge. A few of them had great analytical minds… Of course, most of the time, they had a combination of the above.

However, Jiang Cheng was definitely an exception. He was not perfect. He was undeniably… shameless, cunning and had no bottom line. He had no sense of morality. Normally, people would try to appear as positive as possible in the nightmare realm. Even if they weren’t, they would disguise themselves as such. However, Jiang Cheng was proud of being shameless and negative. He would spare no effort to talk about his experience as the top pick at the Karaoke Centre and so on… Then, he would appear so strangely confident. No one knew what he was thinking or could predict what he would do next. That was the scariest.

Due to the nightmare realm, Chen Xiaomeng went to study psychology. She suspected that Jiang Cheng was not acting. He was naturally such a person. He seemed to have an antisocial personality disorder. People with this order would often have inscrutable moods. They were aloof and were experts at lying and manipulating others. They couldn’t empath

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