Chapter 136: Path
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 136: Path

“Elder Bai,” Zhou Rong turned around and asked with interest, “Which path do you suggest we take?”

Bei Qian walked with a cane given to him by the village head. The cane had intricate wooden carvings. The top was a rare money toad. He smiled, “Since Mr. Zhou has already come to a decision, why ask? I’m too old. Tomorrow belongs to young people like Mr. Zhou who is great at everything…”

Jiang Cheng deliberately coughed twice and touched his throat. He made him seem like his throat was uncomfortable. Bei Qian ignored him.

The group reached a scenic spot. They could see a winding river circulating around the village. The river was clean and clear. Fishes swam through the stream. It was beautiful. Bei Qian studied the scene before him casually as if he had forgotten about the dangers of the mission. Zhou Rong was the same. He looked down the distance. The boundary between the forest and the mountain blurred. Everything was a verdant delight. The tension melted away. This became a nature appreciation journey.

Zhou Rong and Bei Qian were secretly fighting. It was as if the person who appeared more cavalier and at ease would have a better chance of surviving.

Bei Qian commented on the place's feng shui. According to the undulating mountains, there had to be an important grave in the valley. Even if it didn’t belong to an emperor, it would at least belong to a general. Then, he shared his experience journeying around the world with his mentor. He had seen many places, but there were not many that could compare to the picturesque nature of this place.

Zhou Rong smiled thinly, “It sounds like Elder Bei hasn’t been to many places then. This is nothing compared to the true treasures of the world.”

Bei Qian didn’t take the bait. He leaned the cane by the bench and stood on the slope. His silvery hair fluttered in the wind. “The young only see the woods and mountains for what they present, but at my age, you’ll see them as manifestations of the origin of the world.” Bei Qian stood against the wind. It was as if he was the

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