Chapter 137: Shell
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 137: Shell

Zhou Rong took a deep breath and was silent.

Bei Qian couldn’t hold it in anymore. He chuckled chillingly, “Mr. Yi sure is considerate.” But since they were all in the building, he couldn’t do anything to Jiang Cheng. He had to let it be.

They scanned the place. Perhaps it was the layout or it was the decor. Even though it was noon, the place was very dim. It was like the place had on a dusty filter. The three didn’t dare to split up. Therefore, after Zhou Rong confirmed the direction, they moved towards the spot where there was light.

Like before, Zhou Rong was in front, Bei Qian was in the middle and Jiang Cheng took up the rear. The floor was old cement floor, so it wouldn’t creak like a wooden floor. However, no one really believed they could hide from the ghost… if she was present. It was more of a self-consolation.

They entered a room that looked like a living room. It was spacious. Zhou Rong came to a wooden board that had some light shine through. He used some force to pry the board away. With the sunlight streaming through, the visibility got a lot better.

The decor was classical. There were wooden chairs with intricate carvings and a table that was solid and heavy. The table was pushed to the corner. Bei Qian walked over, intrigued. He studied the table and touched it. A few seconds later, he frowned, “Locust tree wood?”

“Locust tree?” Zhou Rong followed behind him and looked at the table. It was clear that he didn’t understand wood. He asked seriously, “Are you sure it’s from a locust tree?”

Bei Qian nodded. There was fear in his eyes. For a painter, especially one who specialises in Chinese painting, one would often visit the countryside to gather inspiration. There was a saying in the countryside, “Locust tree should never be used to make a coffin.” In Chinese culture, the locust tree was also known as the dead people tree. It might be superstition, but locust tree furniture was often seen as taboo. During burial, people would also carve items from old locust trees and place them far away from t

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