Chapter 249 - The Extremely Formidable Primordial Rune
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 249 - The Extremely Formidable Primordial Rune

In the relentless war between humans and Abyssal Demons, there was no place for mercy.

The Abyssal Fire Sprite roared, charging straight at Lin Moyu. The Succubus Queen had marked him as the greatest threat, and the Fire Sprite was determined to eliminate him.

"Fall back!" Lin Moyu instructed Mo Yun, Jiang Hanshan, and the others, quickly re-summoning his undead legions.

Earlier, when the Succubus Queen had appeared and the Abyssal Fire surged, he had promptly withdrawn his undead legions.

Now, the Lich Generals re-cast their status buffs, and the Skeletal Warriors charged at the Abyssal Fire Sprite. The Skeletal Mages unleashed their attacks before the Skeletal Warriors even reached the Abyssal Fire Sprite. The fire-type Skeletal Mages, however, remained on the sidelines—Fire Elemental Immunity rendered their spells useless against this foe.

The Abyssal Fire Sprite collided with the skeletons, unleashing a powerful shock wave that sent Skeletal Warriors flying. In terms of raw strength, the Skeletal Warriors were no match for the Abyssal Fire Sprite. But their numbers were overwhelming.

After the Abyssal Fire Sprite knocked away a group of Skeletal Warriors, it found itself surrounded. With every powerful attack, it swept away dozens of Skeletal Warriors, but new ones immediately instantly surged forward and filled the gaps.

Still focused on Lin Moyu, the Abyssal Fire Sprite leapt toward him, but the Skeletal Warriors fearlessly intercepted, sacrificing themselves to protect their master.

As the battle raged, Lin Moyu cast a Detection spell on the Abyssal Fire Sprite.

[Abyssal Fire Sprite]

[Level: 60]

[Strength: 100,000]

[Agility: 80,000]

[Spirit: 150,000]

[Physique: 100,000]

[Skills: Sea of Fire, Burning Ring, Lava Eruption]

[Traits: Fire Element Immunity, 50% Dark Elemental Damage Reduction, 50% Curse Effect Reduction, 50% Physical Damage Reduction]

The Abyssal Fire Sprite's total attributes reached 430,000, only 10,000 points shy of the level 58 world boss Earth Evil Centipede and a full 130,000 points higher t

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