Chapter 248 - Sacrifice; Abyssal Fire Sprite
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 248 - Sacrifice; Abyssal Fire Sprite

The world was engulfed in dark green flames, completely obscuring everything from view. Nothing but the fire was visible.

Jiang Hanshan swallowed hard, his face ashen, "This must be the work of a top-tier Demon."

The Group Defense skill was quickly failing, as the fire's damage far exceeded its limits. Jiang Hanshan gritted his teeth, pouring everything into maintaining the shield. But after only five seconds, it shattered.

As the flames surged in, Jiang Hanshan thrust his sword into the ground, lifted his head, and roared, "Damage Absorption!"

A burst of light emanated from him, enveloping his teammates once more.

Then, he shouted, "Extreme Defense!"

With both skills activated, he absorbed all the damage from the flames.

"Run!" Jiang Hanshan urged through clenched teeth.

To maintain the two skills, especially the Damage Absorption skill, he couldn't move, but his teammates could. If they escaped, there was still hope.

Regret stabbed at him; he had just been promoted to colonel, and now he was facing death. He thought of Lin Moyu, wondering how he was faring.

Jiang Hanshan held on with all his might, but when he looked back, he saw that none of his teammates had fled. The flames were too powerful, and he was bearing the damage meant for 18 people. Even with Extreme Defense, he couldn't last much longer.

After 10 agonizing seconds, the light of Extreme Defense began to dim. Just then, a shout rang out, and a new shield appeared.

Another Knight in the party grinned, "Party Leader, you forgot I'm a Knight too."

Jiang Hanshan chuckled, "Good brother."

He didn't fear death, nor did the rest of his party; if they did, they wouldn't have ventured into the Immemorial Battlefield.

The new shield shattered after only three seconds. The Knight then activated Damage Absorption and Extreme Defense as well, but he lasted even less time. His skills went into cooldown, and the flames surged once more.

Suddenly, a holy light illuminated the ground, pushing back the flames and creating an empty space. Mo Yun's Holy Spirit Unicorn ha

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