Chapter 247 - It's About Time
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 247 - It's About Time

To Lin Moyu, corpses were the ultimate weapons.

Succubus Alice was livid, gnawing at her lower lip until she nearly drew blood. What were these Dragonkind doing? But in the next moment, a look of delight crossed her face as she seductively licked her lips, "Perhaps... these Dragonkind can be put to good use."

There were at least 50 corpses on the ground now. Who would dare approach Lin Moyu under such circumstances? Even lord rank Demons wouldn’t stand a chance against him—his skill was simply too formidable.

The Dragonkind were stunned by the explosion. Nearly half of them had fallen. Except for some supports and long-range class users, all the melee fighters were dead, including three nobles. Though not known for their intellect, the Dragonkind now understood they couldn't get close to Lin Moyu. Observing how high the Abyssal Demons were staying, the Dragonkind ascended high into the sky, keeping their distance.

"Use long-range attacks!" The last remaining noble support shouted, his gaze fixed on Lin Moyu, a shade of fear in his eyes. The explosion had truly rattled him.

Archers launched volley after volley of arrows, and Mages began casting a barrage of large-scale magic spells—fireballs, lightning bolts, violent storms, and other attacks rained down. Although the distance reduced the power of their attacks and made it impossible to lock onto the target, but their high levels—above level 60—ensured that their attacks still packed a punch. They relied on large-scale attacks, which didn't require precise targeting.

Like the Abyssal Demons, they stayed hundreds of meters away, launching a long-range assault on Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu's eyes flashed coldly. "You're bullying me because I can't fly?"

"Make them fall." He commanded.

The Shadow Mage raised her weapon, releasing a bright golden radiance that shot into the sky and then exploded, creating a massive gold ring. The ring instantly spanned thousands of meters, enveloping the surroundings. In the next moment, the Abyssal Demons and Dragonkind suddenly lost their abi

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