Chapter 135 - Entering The Dungeon For The Title
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 135 - Entering The Dungeon For The Title

It is not a secret that Lin Moyu soloed the hell rank outpost dungeon.

The present Shenxia class users are all aware of this.

After all, Lin Moyu openly admitted as much in front of the entire legion at the First Fortress that he obtained the title.

But he didn't disclose the title's properties.

When they saw Rutger declare his grand intentions of soloing the hell rank outpost dungeon and obtaining the title, everyone looked at him as if he were a joke.

Only one person can possess a specific title at a time.

As such, so long as Lin Moyu is alive, Rutger won't be able to obtain the title, not even if he beats the other party's record.

When he learned this, Rutger's countenance alternated between ashen and flushed, looking very funny.

Rutger's eyes flickered with a dangerous gleam and surged with murderous intent.

He looked at the dungeon's entrance, clenched his fists, and made up his mind.

Without caring about his bearing any longer, he barked in a low voice, "Come here."

The majestic Knights of the Guhrow Church dismounted the Fiery Warhorses and came to Rutger's side.

Rutger spoke a few words in a low voice. The Knights couldn't help but become nervous.

"Your Highness, do you really want to do this?"

"If something unexpected happens, there will be big trouble."

"Although this is the Dimensional Battlefield, but this area belongs to Shenxia, and the majority of the people here are Shenxia class users."

Despite his subordinates' hesitation, Rutger ultimately made his decision, "As long as we keep things under wraps, nothing will happen. Others will only think they died in the dungeon."

In the face of Rutger's decision, they have the right to raise questions, but not to intervene.

The rules of the church are strict. As his subordinates, the Knights must obey Rutger's orders.

"In that case, let's do as you say, Your Highness."

Rutger took out a scroll.

In the world of class users, there are many scrolls with different effects, such as skill strolls, magic spell scrolls, and so on.

Rutger activat

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