Chapter 134 - Guhrow Church; Fire God's Champion
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 134 - Guhrow Church; Fire God's Champion


What's going on?

Every time Lin Moyu comes out of the dungeon, there's always something afoot.

A hand extended, trying to push him away.

With a flash of white light, the Bone Armor resisted the opponent. Lin Moyu remained in place.

His vision was finally restored.

At some point, a red carpet appeared on the ground.

At the end of the red carpet, there is a magnificent carriage.

The horses pulling the carriage are no ordinary horses, but Fiery Warhorses.

Fiery Warhorses' hooves are perpetually burning with flames. Even if they're inside water, the flames won't extinguish.

Fiery Warhorses were originally a kind of monster. After they were tamed by Beast Tamers, they were bred and cultivated until they eventually became mounts.

In the Western Countries, Fiery Warhorses are fairly common.

They're much less common in Shenxia Empire.

However, not many people are qualified to ride Fiery Warhorses.

Even fewer people are qualified to use Fiery Warhorses to pull a carriage.

This shows that the other party's identity is unusual.

The thick and soft red carpet extends from the carriage to the dungeon's entrance, paving the ground.

The sound of hooves echoed, and, on both sides of the red carpet, 10 class users rode Fiery Warhorses, looking imposing and majestic.

When Lin Moyu and Ning Yiyi came out of the dungeon, they appeared on the red carpet.

Seeing that Lin Moyu didn't budge, the man's countenance changed slightly, and he used more force, but still to no avail.

Even the hell rank Outpost Guardian can't make Lin Moyu budge when he has the Bone Armor equipped.

Level 36 Abyssal Dog Demons wielding a wolf tooth club aren't even able to raise ripples on the armor.

A mere level 30 class user stands no chance at making him move.

Seeing that he is unable to push Lin Moyu away, the man extended his hand toward Ning Yiyi and shouted angrily, "Scram! You're dirtying His Highness's red carpet!"

Lin Moyu's face darkened slightly. Judging by the other party's western features, he shouldn't from Shenxia Empire

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