Chapter 991: Three Days
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 991: Three Days

Dream created much fake evidence to paint Han Fei as the second Butterfly. Actually, many people there knew that Han Fei was innocent, but they didn’t say anything. They needed a scapegoat.

“I was the one who brought out the info of the trapped players. It was I who handed the technical issues to the police. Those are the reasons you found out why I am the only player who can leave the game freely. However, have you considered why I risked so much to do something so stupid?” Han Fei’s tone was even. He was already used to something like this. “I can fully ignore this. The lives of the trapped players have nothing to do with me. Until you brought me there I was still trying my best to bring the players out.” Han Fei took out his phone and showed them No. 2’s list. “I still chose to do that even though it’d expose my secrets. This is the info sent out by the trapped players.”

Han Fei was reasonable, but not everyone would listen to reason.

“Why you’re the only one who can leave the game?” The CEO of the internet safety company didn’t care what Han Fei said. “Did you find the black box left behind by the former director of Immortal Pharma? That is how you manage to escape the examination of the supercomputer, right? If you hand over the box, we might help you.”

Seeing the greed in their eyes, Han Fei smiled. He would always smile before he killed. Some used their lives to protect others. Some used their lives to take advantage of others.

“That’s right. The thing you’re looking for is in my head. The meaning behind Perfect Life, the key to opening the brain realm, I have everything. But even if you have it, do you have the time to study them?”

Han Fei’s eyes stopped on the face of the CEO. His eyes were cool. The CEO sweated.

“4000000 players are trapped inside the game, and they might die at any moment. The three organizations attack the supercomputer and are trying to take over the intelligent city, and you’re still trying to fight for your own benefit?” Han Fei pulled back his gaze. He stopped focusing on the

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.