Chapter 990: Question
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 990: Question

In the nightmare, Han Fei's gaming hub was the world's most despairing place. It was filled with dead people. In real life, when Han Fei opened his eyes, his room was also filled with people, but these living humans didn't feel as friendly as dead people.

His brain spun. Han Fei calmed down within seconds.

'Anonymous tipper? Report? Black box owner?

'My room is surrounded by plainclothes police and Du Jing's personal assistant. These people won't be here unless they have enough evidence to convince the police.' Several images flashed in his mind. Han Fei thought back to how he helped Deep Space Tech by transferring the info from the cryptic world to the real world. The white box downloaded the info into his gaming hub. That should be when he was targeted. Actually, when Han Fei did that, he was ready to be exposed. He just didn't expose Dream would strike first. Dream planned to turn him into a supercriminal.

Han Fei predicted that Dream not only attacked him in the cryptic world but also laid down traps in the real world.

"Han Fei, I'm sorry, but you need to come with us because this involves the lives of 4000000 people." The people from the police station were there too. They were not to arrest Han Fei but to protect Han Fei. To prevent Han Fei from doing something irrational, Li Xue was there too.

"Why everyone can't log off, but he can?"

"This room is too suspicious! It's not like an actor's room at all!"

"We need an explanation!"

Han Fei ignored these people. He downloaded the list No. 2 gave him into his phone, removed the wires, carried the gaming helmet, and left. "I can leave with you to accept the investigation."

"Everyone, move away from the cordon line! Team 2, Team 3 make way! We're moving the target!"

The siren rang. The streets of the old city were sealed. When the unrelated people left, Li Xue took a fake police officer uniform out of her bag.

"Do you want me to escape too?" Han Fei took over the uniform.

"How do you still have the mood to crack jokes? In just one night, you fell from h

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.