Chapter 989: Trap
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 989: Trap

The higher-ups of the top guilds were thankful to Huang Yin. They also used this chance to discuss the future. Han Fei didn't participate. He had more important things to do. Han Fei sneaked out of the base. The gaming helmet was made from black and white pieces. After the nightmare ended, Han Fei got a lot of them. No. 2 should have enough to make things. Han Fei entered No. 2's booth. He couldn't find anywhere to stand because there were files everywhere.

"Just move anywhere. I've read all the files. They are not worth anything anymore." No. 2 could sense Han Fei's presence. His expression was serious as he looked at Han Fei. "Did you absorb something weird inside the nightmare?"

"How did you know?" Han Fei still didn't understand the severity of the situation. He sat beside No. 2. "There seems to be some kind of connection between No. 0, the first-generation ghost, and me. I've absorbed the first-generation ghost's blood."

"First-generation ghost's blood..." Pity flashed in No. 2's eyes. He rarely showed his emotions, so the smallest emotion on his face worried Han Fei.

"What's wrong? Did my fate change after I absorbed the blood?" Han Fei pressed. No. 2 pressed his lips and looked up at Han Fei. "Your fate has disappeared."

"You can't see my fate anymore?"

"No." No. 2 shook his head. "You'll soon embrace actual death. Your existence will be wiped away... like you have never existed."

Han Fei was stunned. He had just gained Fu Sheng's eldest son's help and knew the secrets of the first-generation ghost, but No. 2 suddenly said he was about to die.

"My life has entered a countdown?"


"It doesn't matter. As long as we work hard when we're alive." Han Fei shrugged.

"I thought you'd ask how much longer you can live." No. 2 was surprised that Han Fei was so calm facing death.

"There's no point knowing when I'll die. It'll only generate fear. Why not try to live as best as I can?" Han Fei tried to mix the pieces together. But the pieces came from different people, so brute force couldn't piece them t

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.