Chapter 988: Salvation
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 988: Salvation

"Catch him!"

Wu Chang caught Huang Yin but immediately threw him away. This was because Huang Yin was covered in the blood of the first-generation ghost. Other than Han Fei, no one could get close. The gaming hub was destroyed, but Huang Yin was still wearing the helmet. Han Fei hurried to remove the helmet, but when his hands touched the helmet, the black blood on Huang Yin suddenly gushed at him. The ghost's blood surged into his body and joined with his soul. The two were highly compatible. Only Han Fei could master this darkest blood.

"Brother Huang, can you hear me?" When Han Fei removed the gaming helmet, the helmet was crushed and became black and white pieces. Then, he realized the gaming helmet was made from pieces of life. The gaming helmet was like a simple layer of the black box. Han Fei picked up the pieces and used the healing persona on Huang Yin. He pulled Huang Yin's soul from the edge. The 11th layer collapsed. Huang Yin opened his eyes blurrily. He pointed at Han Fei and mumbled a word, Ghost.

"Do you think I'm a ghost?" Han Fei continued to use the healing persona. In the whole nightmare, only he possessed the power to heal mind and soul. Who would have thought the butcher would also be a doctor?

As the nightmare collapsed, Huang Yin also slowly awakened. His eyes were red and filled with resentment. Earlier, a large number of dream demons entered his body. Part of first-generation black blood lingered on his skin. The blood seeped into his body.

"Some memories are hidden inside the gaming helmet. The summons you heard is from the memories..." Huang Yin quickly spoke. He looked so nervous, like he wouldn't have the chance to say these things if he were too late.

"Who left behind these memories that summon me? Could they be my parents?" Han Fei's heart slowly rose. He stared at Huang Yin with full focus.

Huang Yin shook his head. "The blood is left behind by the first ghost in this world. It is very innocent. It carries humanity's negative emotions and despair. Everyone getting too close t

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.