Chapter 987: Han Fei's Dream Demon
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 987: Han Fei's Dream Demon

“Your house is quite populated.” Huang Yin learned many things from Han Fei, like lockpicking. However, he knew that sometimes violence was needed. After Huang Yin kicked down the door, all the dream demons were alerted, and the dead people around the gaming hub turned to look at him.

“It’s just a game. What’s there to look at?” Han Fei guarded Huang Yin. The blade shone, and the presence of the Unmentionable cast away the mist. Han Fei didn’t want to make a move so soon. Normally, he’d prefer to sneak in first, but since things had happened, Han Fei had to change his plan. “Are a group of dead people watching me while I’m playing the game in real life?”

Han Fei shivered. He touched the ghost tattoo, and his neighbors walked out. Han Fei didn’t plan to hold back. He needed to destroy this place before Dream was alerted. A normal dream demon was as strong as a Lingering Spirit. However, the difference was dream demons could combine with each other to become stronger. Plus, dream demons couldn’t be eaten by ghosts. They were pure trash for ghosts. They were mental viruses floating between the three worlds.

“Guard the outside!”

Han Fei charged into his house. After staying for so long in the cryptic world, Han Fei was quite excited to see so many guests at his house. Han Fei carefully observed the dead people. He hadn’t seen them, but he felt very familiar with them.

“I’ll never forget the people I’ve seen. This is strange. Why would these people be familiar to me?” Han Fei grew up in an orphanage. The people who accompanied him were the teachers and other abandoned children. They were not really connected. “What are you looking at?” Han Fei noticed that wires reached out of the gaming hub. The wires bound the dead people to the gaming hub. The demons outside the house attacked rabidly. Han Fei’s neighbors tried their best to stop them.

“Destroy it! Stop hesitating!” Huang Yin was also a dream demon. He could sense that all the dream demons were heading their way. “Now is the best chance!”

Han Fei knew that des

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.