Chapter 986: My Home
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 986: My Home

The skin hidden underneath Huang Yin’s clothes was corrupted by resentment. His body was turning to be like a demon. While he gained a new power, he would be corrupted too.

“The 11th layer is not the end of the nightmare, but Dream doesn’t want the players to explore it further. It is trying to trap all the players in this layer.”

Huang Yin put his shirt back on and pointed at the television. “There are many homes like this one in the city. They are demon factories. To create the puppet players, Dream uses special medicine to draw memories out of the players’ minds and then recreate the players’ friends and families to harm the players.”
“So, were you trying to use the demon house to recreate your mother from your memory?” Han Fei knew about Huang Yin’s past and could understand him.

“I am already a dream demon. My memory and past can’t be changed.” Huang Yin was different from other players. He was tortured and transformed by Butterfly a long time ago. He was even stronger than a normal dream demon. Huang Yin stood up to switch off the television. As the screen switched off, the house returned to normal. The black hair and eyes receded.

“The surface world is in chaos now. All the players suspect that you’ve died in the nightmare. I’m here mainly to bring you out.” Han Fei leaned against the wall to study the wallpaper.

“I can’t leave. There’s no exit. We can’t clear this nightmare either because it is not a person’s dream. Dream made this place from everyone’s nightmare.” Huang Yin frowned. “We’ve become each other’s nightmare. People are not helping each other but dragging each other into deeper despair.”
“Aren’t the players trapped in Xin Lu Ninth Hospital? If we can wake them up, this world should collapse, right?” Han Fei didn’t think the 11th layer was so complicated.

“I’ve tried that. It won’t work.” Huang Yin shook his head. “There are not only expert players trapped here but normal players killed in other nightmares. Their consciousness was sent here to be the foundation for this situation. In other wo

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.