Chapter 964: The Ritual
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 964: The Ritual

A strange customer arrived at the bookstore in the middle of the village. His eyes were bloodshot like a beast was trapped in his body.

"Han Fei, don't you... need to rest?" Tragedy was dragged by Han Fei to the bookstore. As a player with supernatural talents, he had noticed the problem. When he was close to Han Fei, he could hear the wails of endless ghosts. Han Fei appeared to have killed more people than he had met!

At first, he thought he was mistaken, but as the greed intensified in Han Fei's eyes, he felt like he was staring into the abyss whenever he looked at Han Fei. The scariest thing was his soul felt like it was going to be eaten by Han Fei.

"Rest? Why? I'm perfectly fine." Han Fei came to the shelves where the 'frivolous' books were. In Yao Qiang's eyes, everything unrelated to studying was frivolous. These books were dark and creepy like they hid something dangerous.

"Arms would reach out of the books to drag the readers into the story books. I suspect Yao Qiang said that so that his son would focus on textbooks." Tragedy picked up a random detective novel. Fresh blood splattered his face as a rusted knife fell out of the book. "Damn!"

"Calm down. This is a normal detective novel. You can't say that it's violent because the victim was killed by a knife, right? Plus, isn't blood supposed to be red?" Han Fei took over the book and read through it. "Do you think a child would become a killer in real life after reading a crime novel?"

Tragedy shook his head. "I don't think so..."

"Then, do you think a child's mind would be distorted after seeing his father having an affair?" Han Fei placed the bloody book back on the shelf.

"An unfortunate childhood would indeed affect one's growth." Tragedy seemed to be reminded of his past.

"Some people are too arrogant to notice their mistakes and blame the horrible results on others." Han Fei looked at the books on the shelves. They became ghost stories in Yao Qiang's eyes. "When a person fails to find the reason on oneself, one would blame others. These nov

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.