Chapter 963: Burning Greed
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 963: Burning Greed

Han Fei wanted to ask the white cat more questions, but a sudden scream came from the street. He quickly ran out. “What happened?”

A pool of blood was left on the street. Red Meat held his hand and said nervously, “The little ghosts captured Tragedy!”
“The player with the ghost words talent?” Han Fei inspected Red Meat’s wounds. “Where did they go?”

“I don’t know. We were about to head back to the garden, but we didn’t realize the rubber ball had been following us. When a player realized that, both Tragedy and the rubber ball were gone!” Red Meat’s face twisted from pain. “We chased after them, but the ghost children started to block us.”

“There are so many players. Why did the ghost children take him?” Han Fei looked around and discovered Tragedy’s footprints. “Take care of the others. I’ll go look.” Han Fei followed the trail out of the village.

It was a dead zone outside the window. Strange trees twined together. Bushes were filled with thorns. There were several graves.

“It’s not easy for Yao Qiang to find a place like this to move to.” Han Fei followed in their footsteps until they disappeared. He just pushed away the bush when he heard the ball bouncing. He turned around and saw several kids in tattered clothes around him. They walked with no sound. A normal person would be shocked, but Han Fei was unfazed. If anything, he could see that the kids were honest people. He touched the head of the kid closest to him. The kid was stunned too. The kid sucked on his snot and raised his dirty face to study Han Fei.

“Do you want me to play with you? I know many games.” Han Fei’s piped piper talent triggered. The kids didn’t dare to answer. They shook their heads hesitantly.

“If you don’t want to play with me… Does that mean you want to kill me?” Han Fei ruffled the boy’s head gently. The words he said scared the kids, and they shook their heads even faster.

“You don’t want to kill me or play with me. Then, why did you find me?” The kid holding the rubber ball waved at Han Fei. He led Han Fei through the bush. Ha

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.