Chapter 965: Love
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 965: Love

“Han Fei? What is he trying to do?!” The players knew that Han Fei had gone to explore the village and knew that he was very strong, but none of them expected him to come back with the whole village of ghosts. The mission was to exorcise ghosts, but Han Fei somehow became the boss of ghosts.

“Move.” Han Fei stopped before the villa. “Be it for Yao Qiang or Yao Yuan, this villa is a cage, trapping their lives and souls here. We need to destroy this place to start the ritual.”

The bells around the corners of the villa rang non-stop. The mirror on the front door cracked. Yin energy approached the villa from all sides.

Ghost children carried rubber balls and laughed as if they were talking about some games. They ran into the garden and called Yao Yuan’s name, asking him to join them.

The neighbor’s cats jumped on the garden walls. The white cat in the dead man’s clothes looked up at the third floor with worry.

A wet sister walked out of the pond. Her black hair was stuck to her body. She was carrying a cake soaked rotten in the water.

The elders shuffled to the door. They were weak, but they scolded Yao Qiang as they knocked on the door.

More ghosts appeared. Everyone called upon Yao Yuan, wishing to take him away from this house.

If one didn’t know the truth, this scene would be very scary. The ghosts were trying to take the kid away.

Yao Yuan, who was trapped on the third floor, heard the voices. His body shook harder. Her eyes rolled upwards. As the voices called for him, Yao Yuan started to answer. He struggled to shake his father loose. He rammed his head against the wall. He didn’t stop even if his head was bleeding. This was a typical possession scene. Yao Qiang screamed for help. The players hesitated.

Han Fei was like the antagonist in the horror film, and all the ghosts were his minions; However, Han Fei was also the vice president of Happiness Neighborhood. He wouldn’t betray the players. Time ticked by. The nightmare cracked. With Han Fei leading the way, the ghosts tried to enter the old villa. T

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.