Chapter 958: Flames
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 958: Flames

While Han Fei was wondering which pair of shoes to pick, the smell of trash burning intensified. Smoke oozed through the gap in the door.

"Is there a fire outside?"

Han Fei grabbed the shoes the daughter made for her daughter and ran out. Fire danced in the night. Smoke gushed out of the staircase and filled up the castle. There were rapid footsteps as two male, and one female player ran through the lobby. They looked panicked.

"Did you start a fire in the castle?" Han Fei walked out of the gallery and stared at the trio.

His sudden appearance startled the players. When they saw Han Fei, they were shocked. "Han Fei?! Hasn't Happiness Neighborhood reached the sixth layer of the nightmare? Why are you at the third layer?"

"This is the sixth layer!" Han Fei frowned.

His words caused the three players to shake. The female player thought of something, and her face paled. "I heard from my friend from the Merchant Union that a nightmare will only initiate when there are five players. You were probably attempting the sixth layer alone. Since there were not enough players, the altar would select random players from the same building to fill up the group!"

"Such a rule exists?" This was clearly a rule to hinder the players. Han Fei suspected that Dream did this on purpose for those who chose to side with the nightmare a chance to harm others.

Han Fei was not used to playing with other players. "What guild are you from?"

"We're from a small casual guild. We're friends in real life, and we like puzzle-solving." The players said.

"Did you set the fire?"

"No! We needed to find the princess' crystal shoes in the castle. We haven't even found the shoes. Why would we set the fire?" The three players were stunned when they found out they were in the sixth layer.

"If it weren't you, it means there is a fifth player in the castle!" Horse braying came from outside. The princess was running.

"Run!" Han Fei led the three players to jump out of the window. They felt the ground shaking. Black curses covered the street. Peace S

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.