Chapter 959: Never Give Up
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 959: Never Give Up

"Is he always this crazy?" Players might have brain damage if they died in the game, so they were always careful. However, the understanding of the three players was shattered. This horror movie actor rushed into the burning flames.

"Is he immune to the fire?" The tall player was stunned. He reached his finger towards a piece of burning trash. Just a slight brush made him pull his finger back. "This fire burns harder than the one in real life!"

For the three players, they couldn't proceed even though they knew how to clear the nightmare. They would have given up when the fire went out of control. The tall player looked at Han Fei with admiration. The black flame burned around Han Fei. Sparks flew onto his body, but Han Fei continued to run forward.

Han Fei buffed his speed with Cursed Words. He knew he only had one chance, and his body couldn't carry him for too long. The sixth layer was indeed harder than the ones before. The princess was as powerful as a Large Lingering Spirit with black flame!

Han Fei had no chance of winning since he couldn't access his inventory. He could only try his luck based on his hypothesis. The princess noticed Han Fei too. She turned around, and the giant shadow behind her turned to look at Han Fei. The merchants had intense hatred on their faces as they were burned to death. Their resentment powered the princess even more. If this continued, the princess would become a crazy demon.

"This is probably how Dream cultivates dream demons. All the demons in the nightmare were once humans. They died in the dream and were sharpened into weapons."

The fire burned harder!

The pain came from his back and shoulders, but Han Fei didn't slow down. Instead, he moved even faster.

"Almost there!"

When they were about five meters away from each other, the black knight moved. He was covered in flames, but he didn't seem to feel it. The eyes under the mask looked at Han Fei silently.

"I wish to save your daughter and bring you out of the nightmare!" Han Fei said urgently, "Don't hide in the nig

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.