Chapter 954: Dead?
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 954: Dead?

Han Fei’s greed persona was linked to Wu Chang. He used the persona to sense Wu Chang and instantly got a response. A harrowing scream came from the buildings shrouded by mist. Parts of the butterfly pattern branded on some of the buildings disappeared. The mist stopped spreading temporarily.

“Wu Chang is a Top Pure Hatred and Gao Cheng’s most favored ghost. But even he can’t immediately escape from the nightmare?” Han Fei suspected that Wu Chang entered a nightmare that was different from the players. Wu Chang was most likely transported somewhere else by Dream. Han Fei could feel Wu Chang approaching, but he was very slow. Out of consideration for his safety, Han Fei didn’t urge Wu Chang.

Han Fei waited at the hospital entrance. He took out a pen and paper and jotted down everything he had seen in the nightmares. The passing players saw this and whispered among themselves.

“This morning, I saw three players from Happiness Neighborhood enter the nightmare, but now only two of them are here. Even the first guild will have casualties when exploring this place. This is too scary!”

“Even they can’t escape this unscathed. What about small fries like us?”

“I need to report this to the guild so we can reassess the nightmare’s difficulty.”

“Are you overestimating the power level of Happiness Neighborhood? I admit that Huang Yin is a godlike presence, but it doesn’t mean that every member of his guild is as impressive.”

“You’re right. Perhaps Happiness Neighborhood is not as strong as we thought. Plus, Huang Yin is not trapped here. Can the first guild be considered first when its main member is missing?”

Han Fei didn’t explain himself. At noon, Wu Chang was very close to Han Fei, but he couldn’t break through the last layer of obstacles. Wu Chang was anxious too. Han Fei comforted Wu Chang and then led Bai Xian to the central pavilion. Most guilds had received Han Fei’s mail. This emergency meeting was very important to the trapped players.

The top 100 guilds entered the pavilion. The other guilds astutely stayed

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.