Chapter 549: Detachment Is Naturally Difficult When You're a Part of the Secular World
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 549: Detachment Is Naturally Difficult When You're a Part of the Secular World

Chen Chao never expected to encounter Yu Xiyi again in the desolate north.

Especially when he was on the brink of life and death, it was surprising to meet this guy who was more or less considered a friend.

So when Chen Chao slowly woke up, his initial reaction was sheer bewilderment. After looking around and realizing that the two of them were in a cave halfway up a snow-covered mountain, with the wind and snow howling outside, sending chills through his body, he could only smile bitterly and say, "Didn't expect it to be you."

Yu Xiyi had built a fire and was sitting beside it, enjoying the warmth. Hearing Chen Chao's words, he rolled his eyes and said, "You should be grateful. It's a good thing it was me. If it were anyone else, with your notorious reputation, your head and body would definitely be in two separate places by now."

Chen Chao struggled to sit up, asking curiously, "Did you come just to save me?"

Yu Xiyi looked surprised and replied, "Do you think you're some peerless beauty or a Great Sword Immortal I've admired for years?"

Chen Chao shook his head.

Yu Xiyi tossed another dry log into the fire and sighed, "It was just a coincidence, I happened to run into you. Though it would've been better if you'd just died back there, would've saved me the trouble of dragging you all the way here."

Hearing this, Chen Chao finally noticed that Yu Xiyi's complexion did not look very good either. His face was pale as paper, clearly suffering from numerous injuries.

Chen Chao said self-mockingly, "Looks like the two of us are really in the same boat."

Yu Xiyi frowned and replied, "I'm not like you. I came to the desolate north to kill demons, actively seeking trouble. Oh... and you're still serving as an official in Great Liang. Damn it... I guess we really are in the same boat after all."

Chen Chao remained silent.

"But you, kid, have really made something of yourself. That Yuan Ling had such a great reputation in the demon race, and you just killed him like that? Even I wouldn't be so sure I could pull

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