Chapter 550: Many Things in Life Can't Be Figured Out
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 550: Many Things in Life Can't Be Figured Out

Yu Xiyi stared at Chen Chao in silence.

Feeling uneasy under the gaze, Chen Chao said awkwardly, "If you don't want to talk about it, then don't. I don't want to hear it either."

Yu Xiyi reached his hand hand.

Chen Chao quickly clutched the wine gourd and cursed, "Your Father barely has any wine left!"

But soon after, Chen Chao still handed the wine gourd to him anyway, saying helplessly, "A genius sword cultivator, trapped by love. If word got out, wouldn't people laugh their heads off?"

Yu Xiyi took the gourd, asking curiously, "Does cultivation really require one to focus solely on it?"

Chen Chao shook his head. "Of course not. Take Yun Jianyue for instance, he likes his Senior Sister, doesn't he? But liking someone doesn't cause any issues, right? I just didn't expect that a woman could cause you to stagnate in your cultivation and lose all your motivation. It's a little strange."

Yu Xiyi took a sip of the wine and said softly, "I can't understand either."

Chen Chao rolled his eyes. "If you could figure it out, you wouldn't be drowning your sorrows in alcohol here, would you?"

Yu Xiyi remained silent for a moment, then glanced at Chen Chao, as if wanting to say something but hesitating.

Chen Chao glanced outside the cave. The wind and snow were still relentless, and he smiled bitterly as he said, "This doesn't seem like the best time for storytelling."

However, Yu Xiyi continued talking to himself, "She has been married for many years now."

Chen Chao gave Yu Xiyi a strange look and frowned, "Was she just an ordinary woman, not a cultivator?"

Yu Xiyi said softly, "When I was sixteen, I left the Sword Sect to roam the world alone. I fell for her at first sight. After traveling together for half a year, we developed feelings for each other. But I never managed to bring her back to the Sword Sect. Heartbroken, she left me and I didn't stop her. The next time I saw her, she was already married."

Most cultivators, once they begin their path of cultivation, devote themselves entirely to it. But not every

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