Chapter 537: Demon Heart
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 537: Demon Heart

The life-and-death battle between Chen Chao and Autumn began with a tempestuous first half, followed by a sudden reversal in the latter half. By now, neither had made another move.

Each focused on recuperating.

After Chen Chao got up, he had no intention of attacking and instead wandered aimlessly through the snow. Autumn followed not far behind, always maintaining a distance of several dozen yards between them.

Since neither had made a move, both took the time to regulate their breathing and heal their injuries.

After about half a day, Chen Chao took the initiative to ask, "Are you going to make a move or not?"

Autumn calmly replied, "No rush."

Chen Chao responded with an "Oh" and did not seem in a hurry either. Instead, he asked with great interest, "What kind of demon are you, anyway? Can't you just tell me?"

Autumn remained silent.

"Since you won't say, I'll make a guess? Someone as fierce as you must be a real tigress, right?"

Chen Chao scooped up a handful of snow, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed as he said casually, "That must be it. How else would you be so fierce?"

Autumn said nothing and just shook her head.

This was a denial.

Chen Chao who originally intended to anger this demon princess with his words sighed inwardly. Having interacted with her several times, he finally understood the temperament of the woman before him. Ordinary words rarely caused any emotional fluctuations in this demon princess. However, if her reverse scale was truly touched, it would lead to a relentless and frenzied pursuit by this princess, just as it had before.

Feeling bored, Chen Chao picked up a handful of snow, formed it into a snowball, and threw it forward with force.

But the snowball was destined to be unable to hurt Autumn. Before it even reached this demon princess, it shattered into pieces.

“If you want to fight, then fight. Why bother with these little probes?”

Autumn stared at Chen Chao in the distance, smiling slightly. “You want to kill me, yet don't want to be killed by me. You seem conflict

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