Chapter 538: There Are Two Large Mountains in the Snow
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 538: There Are Two Large Mountains in the Snow

Do demons have two hearts?

It should not be the case, at least not normally.

Ordinary demons, like humans, could only have one heart.

But not all humans had only one heart, and not all demons had just one heart.

Autumn was a natural variant species, born with two hearts, one on the left and one on the right.

This was a secret of the Demon Emperor's lineage that no one else knew. Other than the Demon Emperor, only Autumn knew. Now, it also included Chen Chao.

Chen Chao sighed heavily. "Alright, you win. Who would have thought that after using every possible method, I still can't kill you?"

Chen Chao spat out a mouthful of blood and then said self-deprecatingly, "Well, now it's your turn to kill me."

Failing to kill someone would only mean being killed in return.

Moreover, at this moment, Chen Chao was nearly drained of all his qi and could not go through another life-or-death battle.

Autumn did not take any action, she just looked at Chen Chao. After thinking for a long time, she shook her head and said softly, "Next time."

Chen Chao was puzzled but soon laughed and said, "What's wrong? Are you still afraid I have some life-saving methods I haven't used?"

Autumn ignored him and just looked into the distance, saying softly, "In at most fifteen minutes, at least one great demon will arrive here. If you don't want to die, you should run quickly."

Chen Chao frowned, somewhat puzzled as he asked, "Why are you suddenly so kind?"

"I just want you to die at my hands. But this is Royal Father's arrangement. Even I can't stop it. You'd better be prepared."

After saying this, Autumn fell silent, silently turning and walking away through the snowstorm, leaving behind a long trail of blood.

Chen Chao looked at Autumn's retreating figure in silence for a long time. In the end, he did not pursue this demon princess again. As Autumn said, he still had some methods left, but he also believed that Autumn had her own methods. After all, she had not even revealed her true form yet, which indicated that she had not used

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