Chapter 534: Drawing Saber
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 534: Drawing Saber

Chen Chao quickly burst out of the snow that had buried him, but by the time he emerged, Autumn was already standing in the distance.

Without hesitation, Chen Chao threw a punch across the air. His immense qi surged, creating a massive fist-shaped force that formed between heaven and earth, rapidly descending towards her.

With Autumn as the center, an area of several dozen feet began to compress under the pressure, with the wind and snow compacting into crystalline ice.

However, this scene did not last long. The ice quickly shattered, exploding into countless shards that scattered in all directions.

Standing in the center of this vortex, Autumn merely smiled faintly. She tapped her toe on the ground and leaped into the air, ignoring the massive fist force as she soared up. Suspending in mid-air, it seemed as though a new world had formed around her at this moment. She walked effortlessly through the sky as if it were solid ground.

The demon race princess glanced down at Chen Chao and smiled. "Aren't you afraid that if you don't draw your saber now, you won't be able to do so when you need it?"

Without waiting for Chen Chao to respond, Autumn stomped heavily. Chen Chao felt as though the space above him had vanished. It was as if a massive mountain was suddenly crashing down on him at this moment.

The ground around him began to sink, gradually forming a large pit with Chen Chao at its center.

Chen Chao looked up at the woman high above him.

The wind and snow from hundreds of miles around was already converging upon them.

Autumn nodded slightly, then slowly pressed her hands downward.

Under the immense pressure of the surrounding force, Chen Chao who was originally still able to stand firm, now had to bow his head.

His clothes, especially at the shoulders, had already torn in several places, revealing numerous holes.

Chen Chao lowered his head and smiled.

Autumn was using the power of heaven and earth to suppress him. It was a clever idea, but both of them were severely injured and nearly evenly matched

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