Chapter 533: Encountering an Old Friend in a Distant Land
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 533: Encountering an Old Friend in a Distant Land

One of life's three great joys: encountering an old friend in a distant land.

But a distant land was indeed a distant land, and this old friend barely counted as one. Still, Chen Chao could not bring himself to smile because this damn old friend wanted to kill him!

That tall woman stood quietly on the snow hill, gazing indifferently at Chen Chao, who had already gripped his saber hilt. Chen Chao helplessly looked up, their eyes finally meeting across the swirling snow.

"You managed to kill Yuan Ling. I underestimated you. How's your injury? How much blood did you vomit?"

Autumn said softly, her voice drifting through the wind and snow without much emotion, as if she were just a distant acquaintance making small talk.

Chen Chao grinned, "Who's Yuan Ling? I don't know him!"

Autumn smiled faintly. "To fight Yuan Ling head-on and ultimately kill him with a martial artist's physique, that's no small feat. Do you know that Yuan Ling ranked among the top three of the younger generation in the demon race? His physique was unparalleled in this era."

Chen Chao responded with an "Oh," still shaking his head in confusion. "Never met him. But if I did, I wouldn't mind sparring with him."

In response to Chen Chao's feigned ignorance, Autumn did not seem to mind. She slowly walked down from the snow hill and casually remarked, "Killing someone like Yuan Ling is something you could brag about for half your life. Don't you want that?"

Pressing his hand on his saber hilt, Chen Chao kept his qi circulating, ready to strike at any moment. Watching Autumn approach, he simply smiled, "I'm actually more interested in knowing if killing you would give me something to boast about for the rest of my life."

Autumn smiled indifferently. "If you can really kill me, it would certainly be something people would talk about for a long time. But do you have that ability?"

After taking a few more steps, she stopped, maintaining a certain distance from Chen Chao.

Chen Chao asked curiously, "You seem to have a high status. Are you really s

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