Chapter 532: Qi Observing Technique Is Good Stuff
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 532: Qi Observing Technique Is Good Stuff

On the way to the Small Hill Sect, they encountered quite a few cultivators and demons, but the return journey was much calmer. Chen Chao did not try to act tough and allowed Liang Jinjin to use her qi refiner techniques to find the best route, avoiding traces of demons. They did not encounter any other cultivators, but once, when it was impossible to avoid, they ran into a group of cultivators who had just fought their way out of a demon encirclement. Upon seeing this lone man and woman, the group fell silent for a moment before one of them smiled and said, "Fellow Daoists, do you have any spiritual elixirs or medicine? Could you spare us some? We would be grateful."

The man was naturally speaking to Liang Jinjin, ignoring Chen Chao who was clearly a martial artist.

Liang Jinjin originally had some medicinal pills, but after Chen Chao bore the brunt of the avalanche, she gave them all to him to heal his injuries. Now, only a small bottle remained with just two or three pills left.

She did not hesitate, handing over the medicinal pill before turning to leave, but with a glance from the man, a few others immediately blocked her path.

The man shook the bottle of pills and then smiled, "Fellow Daoist, there's no need to be so stingy. We're all humans, and if you lend a hand today, who knows, maybe one day we'll return the favor."

Liang Jinjin frowned, "I only have these few medicinal pills left. It's not that I'm unwilling to give more."

The man glanced at Chen Chao, noticing the young martial artist's pale complexion, which clearly indicated he was injured. He smiled slightly, "Would Fellow Daoists mind if I search for myself?"

Liang Jinjin frowned deeply. Aside from the issue of propriety between men and women, the items she carried were not something she could hand over lightly. Otherwise, she would not be able to account for it upon her return.

Hence, she said with some irritation, "Fellow Daoist, you're being unreasonable. I really don't have any more medicinal pills on me."

The man was indifferent, mere

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