Chapter 531.2: The Old and Young Are Both Adorable - Part 2
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 531.2: The Old and Young Are Both Adorable - Part 2

Once again, the distance between the two widened.

Autumn remained expressionless.

"Yun Jianyue, you have 15 more minutes. If you don't step aside, you will die."

Autumn stared at the daoist before her, one of the Twin Pillars of Daoism. During this journey to the desolate north, she had already crossed paths with several young human geniuses, some of whom had fallen by her hand. Among these young talents, Yun Jianyue truly stood out as number one. Even the young martial artist she had long sought to kill, though capable of defeating Yuan Ling, did not seem stronger than Yun Jianyue in Autumn's eyes.

But no matter how strong he was, he was not stronger than her.

Yun Jianyue said calmly, "Demonic qi is surging in the distance. It seems that when Your Highness cannot win, you call for reinforcements."

This so-called battle among the younger generation was hardly ever truly just that.

Yun Jianyue sighed and asked with a smile, "If Your Highness answers one question for this lowly daoist, this lowly daoist might consider stepping aside."

Autumn's expression shifted, her brows furrowing. "Speak!"

"Is Your Highness in such a hurry to reach somewhere because you want to kill someone?"

Autumn's face remained expressionless. "It's none of your concern. They aren't a daoist cultivator."

Yun Jianyue chuckled, "Then it's someone from the human race. Since it's a fellow human, this lowly daoist will lend another helping hand"

As he spoke, Yun Jianyue suddenly raised his head. The lightning within the sea of clouds suddenly struck down, even more powerful than before!

Countless golden bolts of lightning cascaded down like a torrential storm; wild and uncontrollable!

This created an extremely bizarre yet awe-inspiring scene between heaven and earth.

Blood flowed from the corner of Yun Jianyue's mouth, staining his daoist robe. This proud heaven's chosen of Daoism watched the spectacle before him and murmured, "Though I don't know who they are, if they find out I helped them and survive, they have to remember to trea

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