Chapter 531.1: The Old and Young Are Both Adorable - Part 1
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 531.1: The Old and Young Are Both Adorable - Part 1

As an obscure small sect within the lineage of qi refiners, if not for its annihilation in the desolate north and the fact that Pinecreek Mountain happened to know that this sect possessed a long-lost secret technique from other qi refiner sects, the Small Hill Sect would likely have remained unnoticed even if it were destroyed several more times. But even a small sparrow has all its vital organs; although the Small Hill Sect was small, it must have had one or two treasures it held dear. That secret technique was one, and now, this wooden box found alongside the secret technique was naturally another.

What was inside the wooden box? Not only was Chen Chao curious, but Liang Jinjin was also intensely interested.

After exchanging a glance, Liang Jinjin did not hesitate. She reached out and opened the wooden box. There was no special glow, no miraculous scene. There was only a sheet of paper inside, made from an unknown material.

Despite the passage of centuries, the paper had not decayed, though it was slightly yellowed.

There were some words written on it.

Liang Jinjin picked it up and unfolded the paper. After a moment, her voice trembled slightly as she said, "It's the names of everyone in the Small Hill Sect."

The list was written in cinnabar ink, but the ink was not made from cinnabar, but blood. As a result, the writing now appeared somewhat darkened.

The handwriting varied, clearly indicating that each name was written by the person themselves. Chen Chao glanced at it and felt that each name carried a distinct aura. In a daze, he seemed to see those qi refiners laughing as they tossed aside their brushes and marched to their deaths after writing their names on this list.

To be honest, Chen Chao had never had a favorable impression of the lineage of qi refiners, but this time, after seeing the Small Hill Sect, he deeply respected these qi refiners.

When other cultivators were focused on self-preservation, these qi refiners had already tied themselves with the entire human race. For the sake of their fe

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