Chapter 535: A Hair's Breadth Away
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 535: A Hair's Breadth Away

Amidst the wind and snow, the sound of thunder was incessant, and countless gusts of wind and snow suddenly exploded.

A human and a demon were engaged in a life-and-death battle here!

In just an instant, their battlefield had shifted several miles from where it began, arriving at a more distant location.

They found themselves before a snow-covered mountain.

After kicking Chen Chao flying, Autumn had barely caught her breath before she was struck by a powerful saber strike from Chen Chao, sending her crashing heavily into the stone wall.

Chen Chao steadied himself and did not continue his pursuit. Instead, he gripped his saber with both hands, the dark hilt standing out starkly.

With the next slash, an enormous saber beam burst forth, intent on cleaving the low snow-covered mountain before him in two.

As a rumbling sound echoed, a massive avalanche occurred, with countless stones mixed with snow crashing down. Yet, before the force of Chen Chao's saber, everything was pushed aside to either side.

Autumn was finally buried once by the wind and snow.

But as the avalanche grew larger, a surge of demonic qi suddenly burst out from the snowstorm, followed by countless stones hurling towards Chen Chao.

As the stones rapidly fell, countless craters appeared on the ground, as if it had been struck by a meteor shower in an instant!

Chen Chao sliced through a massive boulder over a person's height with a single stroke, but before the saber light could dissipate, a figure had already appeared before him.

The pale-faced woman once again appeared in front of Chen Chao. But this time, endless wind and snow connected in front of her, gradually converging into a massive snow mountain that crashed down from above!

Chen Chao ran his fingers along the saber's edge and lifted it for a slash.


The snow mountain shattered, turning into an extraordinarily rare, heavy snowfall!

Autumn reached Chen Chao and struck the back of his Cloud Mud saber with her elbow while her other hand aimed for his head.

Chen Chao bloc

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