Chapter 525: A Rare Good Person
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 525: A Rare Good Person

For Chen Chao, killing demons was an everyday occurrence.

Especially when it was just a few young demon cultivators with low cultivation realms. Even though his injuries had not fully healed, it was not difficult for him to kill these demon cultivators. So, when the last demon cultivator fell, Chen Chao waved his hand, signaling Liang Jinjin to come over.

Liang Jinjin frowned as she looked at the bodies scattered on the ground, feeling a bit disgusted.

Chen Chao, on the other hand, was used to this sight. He even squatted among the corpses with interest, searching for the demon beads. After all, he was just a martial artist. If he were a qi refiner, he probably would have stripped these demon cultivators of every useful thing they had.

For qi refiners, demon race cultivators absorbed the essence of heaven and earth in their cultivation, making their bodies full of treasures. Demon bones, demon blood - these could all be used in medicine. Just like Yuan Ling, whom Chen Chao had previously killed. If a qi refiner had seen his corpse, nothing would have been left untouched.

Even that green ape fur, which Chen Chao could not easily cut through, would be enough for those qi refiners to craft a decent robe artifact.

However, Yuan Ling had only been so difficult to deal with because of his bloodline advantage and cultivation realm. If either of those had been lacking, he would not have caused Chen Chao such a headache.

"Is there anything you want? I can get it for you," Chen Chao suddenly turned his head to look at Liang Jinjin.

He did not have anything he wanted, but that did not mean Liang Jinjin did not. Although, seeing her reaction, it seemed she would not get her own hands dirty.

Liang Jinjin shook her head.

Chen Chao did not say anything more and was about to leave.

After thinking for a moment, Liang Jinjin started her usual cleanup routine.

Chen Chao had no choice but to stand there and wait, remaining silent.

An hour later, Liang Jinjin had finished cleaning up. Seeing that the man in front of her st

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